UN-500V Oilless Vacuum Pump

AC 110V or 220V
Max Vacuum: 680mmHg
Max Flow: 380LPM

UN-500V oilless vacuum pump is ideal for manufacturing and industrial markets applications, but should be considered for specific medical, laboratory, and Food & Beverage applications as well. Max Vacuum:680mmHg Max Flow:380LPM

Oil-free operation can generate clean air, less maintenance, higher vacuum degree, high temperature resistance, low temperature sealed grease bearing, valve plate material 7Cr27Mo2, life guarantee more than 10000h, aluminum parts adopt 400T automatic die casting, product performance is stable, dynamic balance Good performance, little vibration.

High vacuum applications, Pick and transfer system, Cleaning and drying, Degassing / deforming, Packaging, Evaporation, sputtering, and ion plating, Vacuum packing, vacuum adsorption, and transport, Vacuum molding and vacuum casting, Vacuum heat treatment furnaces, sintering furnaces, and brazing, furnaces, Vacuum drying, freeze drying, and vacuum degassing, Gas substitution, filling, and vacuum heat insulation, Automated leak testing.

Product Specifications

規格項目 SPEC單位 UNIT規格值 SPEC.Value
電壓 Rated VoltageVAC 110 or 220
最大真空度 Max.VacuummmHg680
最大流量 Open FlowLPM380(60Hz)/320(50Hz)
消耗功率 Power ConsumptionW850
外型尺寸 Dimension mm355 x 290 x 310
安裝尺寸 Installation Sizemm120 x 213
安裝口徑 I.D. of screw threadG1/2
重量 Weightkg19
噪音值 NoisedB<68
規格項目 SPEC單位 UNIT規格值 SPEC.Value
電壓 Rated VoltageVAC 110 or 220
最大真空度 Max.VacuummmHg680
最大流量 Open FlowLPM380(60Hz)/320(50Hz)
消耗功率 Power ConsumptionW850
外型尺寸 Dimension mm355 x 290 x 310
安裝尺寸 Installation Sizemm120 x 213
安裝口徑 I.D. of screw threadG1/2
重量 Weightkg19
噪音值 NoisedB<68

Product Performance

Product Dimensions

Oilless Vacuum Pump UN-500V-Dimensional-drawings

Recommended Accessories

  • UNICROWN Vacuum Filters VF Series
    Vacuum Filter

    VF Series

    Filtration: 8~10μM
    Flow: 24~1260m3/h

  • UNICROWN Vacuum Filters VF-D
    Vacuum Filter


    Bore: 1/2″
    Flow: 600LPM

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