Why Vacuum Pumps Beat Vacuum Generators in Robotic Arms

Vacuum pumps, as critical equipment in the field of automated production, offer numerous advantages that make them the ideal choice for providing high vacuum levels and large flow rates. Our oil-free vacuum pumps provide a more efficient and reliable vacuum source for various applications, including automated equipment like robotic arms.

Traditionally, many automated production systems used vacuum generators to create the required vacuum. However, we believe that oil-free vacuum pumps have clear advantages in this regard and can offer a more stable vacuum environment, ensuring the steady operation of production lines.

For applications like robotic arms and other automated equipment, oil-free vacuum pumps are indispensable. Robotic arms require a reliable and robust vacuum source to ensure smooth operation. Oil-free vacuum pumps can provide long-lasting vacuum performance and adapt to various load requirements, whether they involve light or heavy loads, ensuring stable operation. This enables robotic arms to execute various operations quickly and accurately, thereby improving production efficiency and product quality.

Here are the advantages of our vacuum pumps compared to other solutions:

1. High Vacuum Levels: Our vacuum pumps can provide higher vacuum levels, ensuring that production lines and automated equipment have the stable vacuum environment needed for precision and reliability, especially in fields like semiconductor manufacturing and precision machining.

2. High Pumping Speed: Our vacuum pumps have powerful pumping capabilities, rapidly and effectively removing gases from the working area. This not only saves operation time but also enhances production efficiency. For applications that require the removal of a large volume of gas, such as vacuum packaging, material handling, and robotic arms, our vacuum pumps are the ideal choice.

3. Gas Efficiency: Our vacuum pumps can directly adsorb objects without consuming a significant amount of gas, reducing gas wastage and further improving the efficiency and energy-saving effects of vacuum operations.

4. No Additional Compressed Air Source Needed: Unlike other vacuum generators, our vacuum pumps do not require an additional source of compressed air. This simplifies system setup, saves space and costs, and reduces the complexity of maintenance and operation.

5. Suitable for Long-Term Use: Our vacuum pumps are designed to be rugged and durable, suitable for continuous long-term operation. Whether it’s a production line that requires extended operation or automated equipment with continuous operations, our vacuum pumps can reliably provide the required vacuum performance, ensuring continuous production.

Whether you’re looking for a more reliable vacuum solution or aiming to enhance the efficiency of automated production, we have the confidence to provide you with the best solution.

For new automated plants, we recommend models such as UN90V, UN-200V, UN-300V, UN-350V, UN-140VQ, and others. For existing automated robotic arms, we suggest replacing them with UN90V and UN-200V models.

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